Quantock Orienteering After Dark - 14th January 2012

First route in red, second in maroon
So to Taunton I went for one of Quantock Orienteering Clubs after dark series.  The format was an hour score event with second master map, all in an urban setting.  Once you switched to the second set of controls then you couldn't go back to the first set.  I decided to try an split the maps 50/50 and managed to get back to the master map bang on 30 minutes.  But how much did I have left in the tank?  The second set were quite a struggle and by the time I was at the 50 pointer to the North East of the map my decision making was pretty shot, I could have picked up control 17 on the way back but decided against it as I could where the road south was!!  It always amazes me the effect running has on your ability to make simple decisions.  I got back with 5 minutes to spare, but not a lot left in the tank.  These events combine all I love in orienteering, interesting formats, the added interest in running in the dark and the pressure of the score format.  Thanks to Quantock Orienteering Club for a great event.

55 minutes 7.8km. 

For more information visit http://www.quantockorienteers.co.uk/

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